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Contents for:
ublications of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, series Engineering Physics (PFEE-EP), are covering all branches of applied physics and are publishing yearly. We invite all contributors to submit their papers.
Božidar Stanić, University of Belgrade, YU
Editorial Board:
Jovan Radunović, University of Belgrade, YU
  Dimitrije Tjapkin, University of Belgrade, YU
Zoran Petrović, Institute of Physics, Belgrade, YU
Gyaneshwar Prasad Srivastava, University of Exeter, UK
Slavoljub Pešić, "Vinca" Institute, Belgrade, YU
Zoran Popović, Institute of Physics, Belgrade, YU
Wenjun Zhang , University of Shanghai, China
Dikshitulu Kalluri , University of Massachusetts at Lowell, USA
Editorial Assistant:
Petar Matavulj, University of Belgarde

Contact Information

All question and comment about ours publications would be sent to contact address.
Postal address:
Bulevar revolucije 73, P.O.Box 35-54, 11120 Belgrade, Yugoslavia
General Information